List of Bylaws
The Town of Borden-Carleton has the authority to enact bylaws under the Municipal Government Act. Below you will find electronic versions of the Town of Borden Bylaws. For more information on Town Bylaws please contact the Town Office at 902.437.2225 or email bcadmin@borden-carleton.ca
Pre-Municipal Government Act
Bylaw #1: Administration & General Government
Bylaw #2: Enforcement & General Procedure
Bylaw #3: Police
Bylaw #4: Fire Services
Bylaw #5: Water & Sewer
Bylaw #6: Licenses & Permits
Bylaw #9: Protection of Public & Property
Bylaw #11: Animal Control
Bylaw #12: Excessive Noises & Disturbances
Bylaw #13: Street Naming & Numbering
Bylaw #15: Hazardous & Unsightly Property Repeal
Bylaw #16: Council Remuneration & Allowances
Bylaw #17: Taxi Repeal
Post-Municipal Government Act
* Denotes Mandatory By-Laws (MGA)