The Town of Borden-Carleton Council consists of a Mayor and six councillors. At the discretion of the Mayor one councillor is appointed to act as deputy Mayor. Each Councillor is appointed to act as Chairperson of one or more committees as designated by the Town Mayor. Along with the Committee Chair there are two councillors also sitting on each Committee.
Standing Committee Membership 2023
Mayor is ex-officio member of all committees
Finance & Administration
Chair - Councillor Eric Stewart
Councillor Larry Allen
Councillor Barb Wood
Fire & Police
Chair – Councillor Nicole Arsenault-Bernard
Councillor Barb Wood
Councillor Ashley Steele
Properties & Planning
Chair – Laurel Palmer-Thompson
Councillor Larry Allen
Councillor Nicole Arsenault-Bernard
Chair – Councillor Larry Allen
Councillor Ashley Steele
Councillor Barb Wood
Streets & Lights
Chair – Councillor Barb Wood
Councillor Laurel Palmer-Thompson
Councillor Eric Stewart
Water & Sewer
Chair – Ashley Steele
Councillor Laurel Palmer-Thompson
Councillor Larry Allen
Coordinator – Larry Allen
Assistant Coordinator – Randy Ahearn